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Top 10 Tips when travelling alone
Source: Manila Bulletin
Author: Jaser A. Marasigan
Date: 2007-05-05
So the first question would be, why travel solo?

Most of my friends recognize that there are indeed benefits in travelling alone but they never dared to try because they are too afraid of the unknown.

Travelling alone is actually the ultimate way to do it. Totally in the moment. Undiluted. Undistracted. Just what you want, how you want it, and when you want it. More freedom to explore and meet people.

For those who have mustered enough guts to go solo, here are some tips. There’s no better way to experience a place than exploring it on your own.

1. SAFETY FIRST. If you have an idea of where you’ll be going and staying, leave contact details with your family or friends. Make sure that you can contact them, and they can contact you by mobile phone or email.

2. BE INFORMED. Find out as much information as you can about the place that you intend to visit before you go. Go online or talk to a travel agent. Make sure you know about currency, language and any customs, etc.

3. WHERE TO STAY. What is probably good for ‘’soloists’’ are hotels or resorts with complete facilities and amenities, that way you can still do numerous activities indoors. Or a better option would be to try homestay. It’s cheaper and the easiest way for solo travelers to meet and live with locals.

4. LOCK IT ALL. Lock all doors and windows, even when you are in the room. Ask for a well-lighted room. Lock valuables in a safe. Lock your luggage.

5. SAVING MONEY. There are a lot of special deals especially during off–season so take advantage of it. Also, ask yourself, should you spend on food or film? Room or shopping? The beauty of this is that, since you’re on your own, you can budget the way you want, without an argument.

6. AVOIDING LONELINESS. You can be far lonelier with an incompatible travel partner. Just do what you enjoy, go where you want to go, and try to seek out interesting things to do and even interesting people as you travel. A smile and a question work wonders.

7. DON’T BE TOO SHY. People like being chatted up, it makes them feel good that someone finds them interesting. On a few occasions, I’ve walked straight up to people and asked them if I may share a table with them and I have never been rejected. Another thing, if you’re in a bar and the guy or the girl you’re chatting up tells you that he or she has a girlfriend or a boyfriend, there is no reason to panic and run off.

8. EATING ALONE. There’s only one thing lonelier than sleeping alone, and that’s eating alone. Eat in informal places, like cafes or a fastfood chain. Some deal with dining alone as a peaceful treat, a chance to concentrate on the joy of food and reflect on their day. Or, you can always arm yourself with a book or a laptop. Bring something to read, do some writing and just enjoy being in the spotlight.

9. AVOIDING JERKS. There will always be people who will try to take advantage of you in some way. Try to blend in as much as possible, and remain cautious. Keep a low profile and don’t be flashy.

10. AN OPEN MIND. As a solo traveler you are special and will be able to deal with almost anything with thorough planning, an open mind and good judgment. Just trust your instincts and use your head.

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