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Hawaii offers more than just floral shirts
Source: Inquirer
Author: Camille T. Cruz
Date: 2001-05-04
IT was one of the places I have wanted to visit at

least once. The island of Hawaii boasts of most of

life’s pleasures that most people would definitely

enjoy: food, sun, shopping, relaxation, a lot of life,

hula dance and a few words to learn other than


Almost every block on Kalakaua Boulevard in

Waikiki Beach had the famous convenience store

called ABC Store. Sometimes in one block there

would even be two. If I remember correctly, this

was the only convenience store chain in Waikiki


Aside from the well-known Hawaiian Host brand

chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, ABC carried

a great variety of merchandise—a thousand different kinds of nail files

including one with Betty Boop wearing a grass skirt and a floral headpiece (I

bought one), ukuleles, sushi, T-shirt-shaped Post-its, cosmetics, bags and

more. The place was also packed with the usual tourist souvenir items as well

as informal and dressy clothes, of course with the famous floral or ethnic


Hawaiian prints are not only seen in swimwear. They appear on a lot of

things—shirts, shorts, pants, hats and even nail files.

Both men and women wear the same prints. Boys and girls can also enjoy

some flower power. Some designers use a new kind of floral print, not too

dainty and not too feminine. These prints have a touch of the tropics and are

sometimes mixed with geometric shapes.

Some use these Hawaiian-inspired florals in black and white as seen in a skirt

Michael Kors did or Old Navy’s sleeveless shirt dress in a floral black and

white print as well. Not everything comes in black and white but it is

combination to look for. Red and white with floral and ethnic mixes also

make for a good combination. Colors don’t necessarily mean bold and

colorful. It may be better to feel safe than sorry in subtle print.

Hawaii offered a different vision compared to the last trip I ever made to this

side of the world. Walking on Kalakaua Boulevard was like going on a

sightseeing trip with sidewalk artists plying their craft and raking in maybe the

same kind of bucks like someone on Wall Street.

Tourists were also doing their stuff as they strolled along the boulevard in

casual attire and big pockets with money to burn in places like Gucci, Prada,

Coach, Louis Vuitton, Armani Exchange and many more. Hawaii is not just

your conventional "paradise" but a "shopper’s paradise" as well.

The whole Hawaiian memory remained as life in Manila went on. The

weather got warmer and warmer—maybe someone out there even tried to

fry an egg on the sidewalk in this kind of weather.

There may be times when you may feel like it is difficult to get close to nature.

At those times, you may want to consider wearing the Hawaiian printed

garment you brought home with you.

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